How dermal fillers work?
More than 85% of human body consist of the connective tissue and the hyaluronic acid is one of the most important mucopolysaccharide so a normal cell fission and regeneration are impossible without them.
Sooner or later every person starts to age and the level of hyaluronic acid gets extremely low which affect the skin in the first place. Cutaneous tissue is the first to react to the negative impact of the environment and unavoidable age-related changes that come out in wrinkles, lines and pinches which are treated with hyaluronic acid for a very long time.
The most important thing that hyaluronic acid is to do is connecting a huge amount of water molecules around itself which promotes the normalization of tissues hydration, restores the humidity balance in intercellular space and also primes the synthesis of beauty essential proteins – collagen, elastin and genuine hyaluronic acid.
Where to use hyaluronic acid fillers?
Doctors use fillers for different areas of the skin to reduce wrinkles and to make some areas, e.g. cheeks and lips, look plumper and more symmetrical.
If hyaluronic acid is deficient in an organism, it disturbs the ability of the cells to connect water molecules in the right way. As a result, the upper layer of the skin gets dry and in the deeper skin layers the tissues may become swollen. Outside, the very same aesthetic defects are in evidence and therefore there is a need to consult a cosmetologist with different issues:
- wrinkles and lines on the face and body;
- dark circles and baggy eyes;
- thinning of soft tissues with marked pinches and contour deformation;
- skin laxity and elasticity degradation.
The fillers are also able to change the face contours, to fight its asymmetry. With hyaluronic acid fillers, it is also possible to correct lips contours – make them plumper or more symmetrical. For example, you may buy jalupro online in our store and check it. The fillers provide a very aesthetic and natural effect. It is also possible to change the nose, chin and cheeks contours with the use of fillers based on calcium compounds.
After the treatment session
Even one treatment session of hyaluronic acid allows to fill the gap in the intercellular space and therefore to force the tissues regeneration. Besides, hyaluronic fillers make a safe protective barrier at the skin surface against the penetration of hostile bacteria and the negative effects of the environment. The product has amazing lifting qualities, maximizes the skin elasticity and tension, provides vulnerary and antiphlogistic effects, handles cicatrices, scars and blackheads and also brings the natural skin ton back.
The injection is held by a qualified and professional cosmetologist under conditions of a facial room and takes less than 30-40 minutes.
The fillers are injected in different techniques depending on a correction area and the type of a product.
The best solution for tired and thirsty skin is a biorevitalization which allows to deliver pure hyaluronic acid into the middle skin compartments. In case of significant age-related changes, specialists recommend the face remodeling, combining different methods of facial contour correction.
The effect lasts for 6-18 months, depending on the product, age, lifestyle and the treated area. By the end of this period, the product goes out of the organism completely so there is a need to pass the treatment session again.
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To get rid of the halls, to fill without consequences of the lost volume of the person and to keep a natural kind of a ...
If you use or you are going to use dermal fillers, you may probably want to have it long lasting and natural all the ...