Princess Rich

( 15 )
Princess fillers




What can Princess Rich be used for?

Princess® RICH is compromised of a high concentration of Hyaluronic Acid compared with other Princess products. This high concentration of HA has a very high molecular weight for long-lasting rejuvenating outcomes and effects. Hyaluronic Acid and glycerol work together simultaneously to increase levels of hydration in the Skin.

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SKU: 1084b796a0c8 Category:

What can Princess Rich be used for?

Princess® RICH is compromised of a high concentration of Hyaluronic Acid compared with other Princess products. This high concentration of HA has a very high molecular weight for long-lasting rejuvenating outcomes and effects. Hyaluronic Acid and glycerol work together simultaneously to increase levels of hydration in the Skin. It also improves elasticity and tone giving a great glow.


Manufacturer Country of Origin Ingredients:
Croma Netherlands
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Glycerol
  • Phosphate

Application and procedure for use?

The gel is injected into the superficial dermis and patients are recommended to have 1 treatment every 3 weeks.

Is this treatment painful to use?

Fortunately this product is very pain-free as it includes Lidocaine which is used to reduce pain.

Time-frame for effectiveness?

Extremely long-lasting although not permanent.

Side Effects?

No direct risks or side effects ought to occur due to Croma’s 30 years of experience in manufacturing and selling safe anti-ageing products.

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